Rage on the Internet

In our lives, we often get frustrated or seriously angry about something. It is good to have people around you with whom you are comfortable or with whom you can talk openly about these issues. The worst are those who have people around them who think completely differently and somehow try to bring up sometimes burning issues. Worst of all, however, are those who are lonely. They can be pensioners, young people who think they are the only intelligent people in the world, or lonely workers who go home to their monotonous and lonely apartments every night. There are many people, and each one of them has 10 kilometers of emotions a day.
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The most (un)healthy way

to wind down the Internet is not always the best. Of course, writing derogatory comments or making inappropriate and offensive remarks can make one feel better about the situation. Or, one can wind up participating in a political discussion on the Internet. But what do you do? There is nothing worth sharing. Everyone who feels some frustration in real life will vent their feelings, especially on social media, where it is extremely easy to slander or hurt someone. Of course, in real life these people are said to lack “balls,” but on the Internet everyone is a warrior. That\’s why they are even more troublesome.
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Internet trolls and other creatures

The more you learn that you can act like a little kid on the Internet when someone won\’t give you candy, the wider the gap between you and others in real life. This is because not everyone thinks that the online world is unrealistic and artificial, nor do they think that what is said on the Internet stays on the Internet. People who have learned that the Internet will never let them down increasingly confine themselves to their little ball. And when it is completely enclosed and there is nowhere left to peek or lend a hand, such a person will be nothing more than a sad testament to our own selfishness and intolerance.

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